Department of Chemistry, University of Pavia, Pavia 27100, Italy.
Research Interests: metalloproteins; biological oxidations; neurometals; metal peptide complexes.

School of Physics, Chemistry and Earth Sciences, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia 5005, Australia.
Research Interests: the structure and function of heme proteins and enzymes; the isolation of new heme enzymes and their engineering for biocatalysis; iron-sulfur cluster electron transfer proteins.

Department of Chemistry, NOVA School of Science and Technology | NOVA FCT, 2829-516 Caparica, Portugal.
Research Interests: metals in biology & medicine; human health & disease, environment and (bio)energy; metalloenzymes; bioinorganic chemistry; spectroscopy more specific: structure-activity relationships in metalloproteins; enzymes mechanistic characterisation; molybdoenzymes; metal-dependent catalysis; small molecules activation; carbon dioxide utilisation (CDU); nitrate, nitrite, nitric oxide; signalling molecules.

Institute for Melanin Chemistry, Fujita Health University, Toyoake 470-1192, Japan.
Research Interests: biosynthesis of melanin pathway; UV damage, photoaging; internal and external melanin; melanoma; fossil melanin; skin aging, hair color; UV protection, and antioxidant action.

Department of Chemistry, University of Pavia, 65-27100 Pavia, Italy.
Research Interests: biocatalysis; metalloproteins; coordination chemistry and metal complexes; neurodegenerative diseases and oxidative stress.

Departamento de Ingeniería Celular y Biocatálisis, Instituto de Biotecnología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), CP 62209, Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico.
Research Interests: redox and environmental biocatalysis; bioprospecting; nanobiotechnology; protein engineering; petroleum biotechnology; metalloenzymes.

Department of Chemistry, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon 34141, Republic of Korea.
Research Interests: bioinorganic chemistry and chemical neuroscience, especially focusing on identifying how metal-involved biological networks are linked to dementia, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, and establishing new directions for developing chemical reagents as tools, diagnostics, and therapeutics for such diseases.

Department of Chemistry, University of Pavia, 65 - 27100 Pavia, Italy.
Research Interests: bioinorganic chemistry; iron and copper chemistry, metals in neurological disorder; metals and protein chemistry; metals catalysis.

Department of Chemistry, University of Parma, 43124 Parma, Italy.
Research Interests: formation equilibria of metal complexes; spectroscopic investigation of metal-biomolecule complexes; self-assembly of metal-containing supramolecules; stability and function of metallopeptides.

Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Kiel University (CAU), 24118 Kiel, Germany.
Research Interests: bioinorganic chemistry (nitrogen fixation, dioxygen activation by copper enzymes); spin-crossover molecules; surface chemistry; surface spectroscopy.

Laboratory of Bioenergetics and Protein Engineering, The National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) and Aix-Marseille University, 13009 Marseilles, France.
Research Interests: biophysics; bioinorganic chemistry; physical chemistry of biological systems; multifrequency EPR spectroscopy; resonance Raman spectroscopy; enzyme catalysis; heme proteins; protein-based radical intermediates; biological electron transfer; heme peroxidases; bifunctional catalase-peroxidases (KatGs); manganese catalase; de-novo designed heme proteins; cyt P450 monooxygenases.

Department of Chemistry, Lund University, 221 00 Lund, Sweden.
Research Interests: inorganic chemistry; atom and molecular physics and optics; physical chemistry; chemical sciences.

QBIS Research Group, Institut de Química Computacional i Catàlisi (IQCC) and Departament de Química, Universitat de Girona, Campus Montilivi, Girona E-17071, Catalonia, Spain.
Research Interests: catalysis; iron; manganese; copper; C-H oxidation; C=C oxidation; Supramolecular chemistry; O2 activation; Reaction mechanisms; Coordination chemistry; water oxidation.

Departamento de Química, Campus de Caparica, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2829-516 Caparica, Portugal.
Research Interests: bioinorganic; biophysics; biocatalysis; energy bioconversion; role of metals in biology; inorganic systems as models for biocatalysis; spectroscopy; (bio)electrochemistry; biocorrosion; bacterial systems; large scale protein production; molecular modeling; reconstitution of electron transfer chains; metalloproteins structure-function relationships.

Center for Natural and Human Sciences, Federal University of ABC – UFABC, 09210-580 Santo André, Brazil.
Research Interests: biopolymers; colloids; peptide and protein aggregation; biosensors; electronic devices.

Department of Chemistry and Nanoscience, Ewha Womans University, Seoul 03760, Korea.
Research Interests: chemistry; bioinorganic chemistry; heme and nonheme iron model; water oxidation; metal-oxygen intermediate; reaction mechanism.

Department of Chemistry, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 12489 Berlin, Germany.
Research Interests: bioinorganic chemistry; catalysis; coordination chemistry; spectroscopy; reaction mechanism; energy; fuel cells; small molecule activation.

Assoc. Prof. Isaac Garcia-Bosch
Department of Chemistry, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA.
Research Interests: bio-inspired catalysts for practical organic synthesis; 3d metal complexes (structure, spectroscopy and reactivity).

School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of South China, Hengyang 421001, China.
Research Interests: heme proteins; heme enzymes; artificial metalloenzymes; biocatalysis; X-ray crystallogropy; EPR.

Aix Marseille Univ, CNRS, Centrale Méditerranée, iSm2, 13013 Marseille, France.
Research Interests: activation of small molecules (O2, H2, H2O, CO2 …) by metalloenzymes and their biomimetic/bioinspired models; bioinorganic chemistry of copper-containing enzymes.

School of Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL, UK.
Research Interests: enzyme catalysis; inorganic reaction mechanisms; cytochrome p450 enzymes; nonheme iron dioxygenases; computational modelling.

Institut für Anorganische Chemie, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, D-37077 Göttingen, Germany.
Research Interests: bioinspired coordination chemistry and catalysis; activation of energy-related small molecules; electronic structure, magnetic properties and spectroscopy of transition metal complexes.