Plagiarism Policy

IJNDI has an obligation to assist the scientific community in all aspects of publishing ethics, especially in cases of plagiarism. As such, we endeavor to ensure the transparent and quality peer review process, and adopt a Zero Tolerance Policy towards plagiarism.

Note for Authors

IJNDI cannot accept any form of plagiarism or duplicate submissions. We advise the authors to carefully go through the article content by using plagiarism checking software prior to the submission. If the plagiarism is observed by editors, peer reviewers or editorial staff at any stage of publication process, the concerned submission will be rejected outright and the authors will be banned.

Crossref Similarity Check

IJNDI uses the iThenticate software to detect instances of overlapping and similar text in submitted manuscripts.

The following actions will be taken for submissions with high similarity index:

  1. Overall similarity index above 40%

The submission will be rejected outright and no resubmission is allowed.

Please note that if the submission is an extension of a conference paper, the differences between the submission and the conference paper should be more than 40% and the conference paper must be cited in the submission. 

  1. Individual similarity index above 10%

This is a case where the similarity index to a specific paper is more than 10% and, in this case, the submission will be rejected outright and no resubmission is allowed.

Please note that it is acceptable if the original version of a submission is deposited to an open repository (e.g. arXiv), but the author should declare this fact during the submission.  

  1. Overall similarity index between 25% and 40%

The submission will be returned to the authors for reducing the similarity score before the resubmission.