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  • International Journal of Network Dynamics and Intelligence
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  • International Journal of Automotive Manufacturing and Materials
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  • International Journal of Drug Discovery and Pharmacology
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  • Science for Energy and Environment
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  • Materials and Interfaces
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  • Journal of Medicinal Natural Products
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  • Health and Metabolism
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  • AI Medicine
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  • Green Energy and Fuel Research
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  • Regenerative Medicine and Dentistry
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  • Innovations in Engineering  and Technology
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  • Applied Mathematics and Statistics
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  • Journal of Advanced Digital Communications
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  • Materials and Sustainability
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  • Progress in Composite Materials
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  • Materials Communications
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  • Energy, Water and Air Catalysis Research
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  • Membrane Technologies Research
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  • Plant Ecophysiology
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  • Medical Materials Research
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  • Advances in Crop Science and Agronomy Research
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  • NanoMat
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  • Ageing and Longevity Research
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  • Green Manufacturing
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  • Graphene Innovation and Technology
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  • Water Scarcity and Drought
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  • Proteins & Nucleic Acids: Therapeutics and Diagnostics
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  • Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing
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  • Bioinorganics and Biocatalysis
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  • Journal of Microbes in Health and Disease
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  • Redox and Mitochondrial Biomedicine
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  • International Journal of Periodontics and Bone Biology
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  • Journal of Inflammatory and Infectious Medicine
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  • Journal of Bio-optics
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  • Transactions on Artificial Intelligence
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  • Biological and Chemical Information Processing
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  • Climate Dynamics and Modelling
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  • Sustainability in Design and Practice
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  • Disease Biology, Genetics, and Socioecology
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  • Carbon and Sustainability
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  • Sensors and AI
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  • Algae and Environment
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  • Structural Integrity in Advanced Materials and Manufacturing
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  • High-End Manufacturing
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  • Bioelectrochemical Systems and Applications
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  • Australian Journal of Oncology
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  • International Journal of Nutrition and Health
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  • Journal of Plant Physiology and Metabolism
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  • Journal of Orthopaedics, Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine
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  • Battery Science and Technology
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  • Renewable and Sustainable Energy Technology
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  • Journal of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Disease Epidemiology
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  • Catalysis and Sustainable Chemistry
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  • Journal of Renewable Fuels
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  • Marine Biodiversity, Impacts and Conservation
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  • Work and Health
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  • Advanced Battery Materials
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  • Advances in Multidisciplinary Geriatrics
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  • Journal of Green Energy and Green Chemicals
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  • Advanced Chemical Process Analysis
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  • Polymer Design for Advanced Applications
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  • Environmental Pollution, Risk, and Remediation Insights
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  • Smart Coatings & AI
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  • Obesity and Metabolic Disorders
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  • Advances in Water Treatment and Desalination
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  • Journal of Photonic Materials
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  • Parasitological Science
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  • Intelligence & Control
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  • Highlights in High-Energy Physics
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  • Journal of Translational Research
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  • Applied Statistical Analysis and Computing
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  • Drug Design
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  • Nanoenergy Communications
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  • International Journal of Exposome and Toxicology
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  • Journal of Mosaic of Autoimmunity
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  • International Journal of Clinical and Translational Medicine
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  • Cancer Pathobiology and Immunity
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  • Trends in Toxicology
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  • Ecological Innovations
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  • Journal of Pharmacology and Clinical Therapeutics
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  • Smart Materials and Devices
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  • International Journal of Applied Violent and Criminal Behavior
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  • Science for Semiconductors
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  • Physiology and Management of Sustainable Crops
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  • Environmental Contamination: Causes and Solutions
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  • Progress in Diabetes Research
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  • International Journal of Neuromuscular Diseases
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  • Food as Medicine
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  • Innovations in Cardiology
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  • Dermatological Diseases and Perspectives
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  • Clinical and Molecular Nutrition Research
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  • Clinical Neuropsychopharmacology and Addiction
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  • Microgrids
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  • Biomolecular Mechanisms and Innovations
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  • Geochronology, Thermochronology and Time Scale Research
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  • Photochemistry and Spectroscopy
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  • Journal of Reproductive Health
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  • Symmetries, Patterns, and Structures in Science
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  • Chemical Reactions and Processes
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  • AI for Materials
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  • eMicrobe
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  • Fungal Diseases
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  • Journal of OptoChem
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  • Applied Nonlinear Dynamics and Vibrations
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  • Computational Intelligence
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  • Ceramic Research
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  • Public Health and Precision Medicine Reports
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  • AI Engineering
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  • Hydrogen and Fuel Cells
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  • Urban and Building Science
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  • Photocatalysis
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  • Treatise on Theory and Practice of Medicine
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  • Robust & Intelligent Control: Theory and Applications
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  • Global Environment Science
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  • Wireless and Networking Frontiers
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  • Studies of Applied Linguistics in Asia
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  • Data Mining and Machine Learning
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  • Remediation Ecology
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  • Additive Manufacturing and Welding Journal
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  • International Journal of Transportation and Logistics Research
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  • Pragmatic Cybersecurity
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  • Innovations in Water Treatment
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