Aims & Scope


International Journal of Drug Discovery and Pharmacology (IJDDP) is an Open Access journal giving leading international coverage across all disciplines of drug discovery and experimental pharmacology. IJDDP publishes rigorously peer-reviewed research including original research, authoritative reviews, systematic reviews, minireviews, commentary and letters to the editor, related to the discovery of new therapeutic targets, new drugs, or new therapeutic modalities. IJDDP also encourages submissions describing innovations in data science and clinical trial designs pertaining to broad disease domains. It is published quarterly online by Scilight Press.

IJDDP’s Mission and Aim

IJDDP is at the forefront of disseminating and communicating scientific knowledge and impactful discoveries to academics, clinicians, pharmacists, allied healthcare professionals and the public worldwide.

  • To drive forward high-quality research
  • To publish high standard reproducible research in the field
  • To embrace the principles of Open Science


IJDDP welcomes findings derived from the application of structural biology, biochemistry, biophysics, physiology, pathology, genetics, molecular biology, systems biology and data science to address pharmacological problems that provide mechanistic insights and innovative approaches important for the fields of drug discovery. The termed drugs comprise a wide variety of agents, including small molecules and biologics.